Lacing Between Comets and Asteroids
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Lacing Between Comets and Asteroids
Cool Gerrit Bauer thought he would undergo Wednesday, March 16, 2016 Date General (TU) night as well as previous nights. At that time he had tabled its main weapon, the reflector telescope (reflector) mirrored the objective of 20 centimeters and have assembled cameras CCD (charged couple device). The goal is to observe the night sky when conditions allow. Routines of this kind has been undertaken technicians CAD (computer aided design) in the Austrian metals industry vigorously in the last 17 years. In the shadow side Alpin Mountains in the small town Modling, metropolitan outskirts of Vienna, Kernbauer held a telescope in the backyard of his home. During the night the telescope leads to diverse corner of the sky. Especially to Jupiter, one of the jewels in the night sky which was also the largest planet throughout our solar system. Telescope works automatically. While the camera is directly connected to a portable computer (laptop), allows to record and store the result in the video format automatically anyway.
The buffalo did not have guessed that night it was different. Night which will make it known throughout the world. Initially he was a little disappointed when checking the tape and find the quality is not as good as the expectations. The days passed before Kernbauer decided to start analyzing, over a week later. It found that on March 17, 2016 at 7:18:33 pm TU telescopes to record the things that seemed unusual in Jupiter. There is a very brief flicker of light that burst in the eastern edge of the disc of the planet. A short, only 2 to 3 seconds, but it was enough to subside. Suddenly his memory pictured on the tumultuous events in the mid-1994 TU, ie, when Jupiter was hit by pieces of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9.
But before Kernbauer must ensure in advance that the flicker of light taped actually comes from Jupiter. Not due to the phenomenon in the air above Modling, or interference with the telescope / camera Kernbauer own. Soon he published the video tape to social media. Tit for tat. It did not take long before the record is kind of float to the virtual world. Is John McKeon, amateur astronomers from Swords on the outskirts of metropolitan Dublin (Ireland) were also observed Jupiter at the same time, supporting Kernbauer. Through his telescope 28 centimeters, McKeon flicker same record as well. With two different observers, separated by a distance of more than 1,600 kilometers from one another, then it is clear that flicker is a phenomenon that actually occurred in Jupiter. Referring to the six previous similar phenomenon occurs (and analyzed) before, it is certain also that the light flicker caused by pieces of the asteroid / comet that crashed into Jupiter!
As the largest planet and ter massif throughout our solar system, Jupiter has a double face in terms of behavior toward mini-sky objects in the solar system known as comets and asteroids. On the one hand he is a role to be pastoralists herd asteroid or comet, which makes them stable in the region respectively. Thus form the Main Asteroid Belt between the orbits of Mars-Jupiter and Jupiter Trojan asteroid group that shares its orbit with the giant planet. But on the other hand, Jupiter also often fraudulent disturb the orbits of comets and asteroids. Astronomy has long recognized group Jupiter family comets, namely the periodic comets with short periods (less than 20 years). His trademark is always under foot colonial Jupiter's gravity during his entire life. Against these comets, Jupiter will change its orbit slowly until they die due to run volatile substance in his face, or gone out of our solar system or even disappear from the solar system due to collide with Jupiter and other planets. The same is true for asteroids that bothered Jupiter, minus the loss of substance is the evaporation (that is not owned asteroid).
The most famous collision events in the future once legendary modern astronomy is the collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 (D / 1993 F2) with Jupiter. The incident took place on 16 to July 22, 1994 TU. This comet was found on March 23, 1993 TU night by couples Eugene Shoemaker and Carolyn Shoemaker and David Levy colleagues at Mount Palomar Observatory, thus gaining its name as the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. From the beginning of this comet has shown the sights, shaped like a string of pearls , so it gets its name as the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. From the beginning of this comet has shown the sights, shaped like a string of pearls.
Further observation and analysis produces a surprising conclusion. Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 showed a similar shape as the core kometnya pearl has been divided into at least 21 large pieces. Even more surprising, the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 was not around the Sun like other comets, but around Jupiter to act as a natural satellite. He orbit around Jupiter with a period of 2 years in a highly elliptical orbit. Apojove his point, which is the farthest point from the center of Jupiter, is 49 million kilometers or still farther than the farthest natural satellite of Jupiter namely S / 2000 J2 which has apojove 37 million kilometers. Instead perijove his point, which is the nearest point from the center of Jupiter, only 45,000 kilometers or much smaller than the radius of Jupiter (ie 70,000 kilometers). With this kind of orbit next surprising conclusion emerges: the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 when Jupiter will pound perijove about to reach the point of its orbit.
Analysis showed that 21 pieces of comet Shoemaker-Levy core 9, whose dimensions vary from as small as 45 meters of up to 1,270 meters, has previously passed a point perijove his sejarak only 110,000 kilometers from the center of Jupiter or only 40,000 kilometers on his face. That moment came on July 7, 1992 TU. With close distances, tidal force of Jupiter has a devastating impact that the comet nucleus was divided into 21 large pieces. Further analysis also showed the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 may have swings around Jupiter since 1970 TU. That is when he caught Jupiter's gravity as a result of passing too close to being forced to change the total to encircle Jupiter. Originally this comet around the sun as Jupiter family comet. Since 1970 the TU that comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 had completed nine rounds in orbit around Jupiter that is odd, ie very oblong, inclined very large and very takstabil. Before fragmented, the core of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 may be 1.4 kilometers in diameter.
The collision happened eventually anyway in accordance with previously thought, namely in the 16 to July 22, 1994 TU. This event attracted very big. This is the first time mankind witnessed the magnitude of the collision of cosmic epoch mini celestial bodies (in this case the comet) mashing a planet with a virulence never imagined before. Earth experienced a similar event 65 million years ago, which ravished the life of a herd of dinosaurs to extinction along with 75% abundance of other living things in the moment known as the Cretaceous-Tertiary event. The fragments of the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 into Jupiter falling at a speed of 60 km / sec (216,000 km / h). Total kinetic energy release of up to 300 thousand megatons of TNT, or equal to the magnitude of the Young Toba eruption 74,000 years ago. The collision produces dark patches resemble swollen eyes, the greatest width of 12,000 kilometers or about the size of our Earth! These spots persist until many months later. While the effects of the collision itself can even be observed from Earth until 15 years later in the form of abundant moisture in the atmosphere of Jupiter's southern hemisphere.
In addition to the collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 in 1994 tuh, Jupiter actually has observed an incident involving a collision with a celestial mini up to at least six times (starting before 2016 TU). The first collision events occurred on March 5, 1981 TU. The incident was diindra wantariksa (spacecraft) Voyager 2 after passing near Jupiter on its way to wade our solar system. Voyager 2 recorded dim flicker, later identified as a meteor in Jupiter. The analysis shows the meteor is a meteoroid that probably originally derived from pieces of asteroids or comets die. A meteoroid is small, only 44 centimeters in diameter (when the comet dead) with a mass of only 11 kilograms. When entering Jupiter's atmosphere, it releases the kinetic energy equivalent to 5,000 kilograms of TNT or conventional bombs on Earth.
The second event is the collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9. As the third event is an event July 19, 2009 TU, no less attention. He is known as a collision because it was first reported Wesley Anthony Wesley, a computer programmer who is also an amateur astronomer from Murrumbateman (Australia). While observing Jupiter with a telescope refractor (refracting) objective lens 38 centimeters in the connected camera, Wesley realized the presence of black spots in the southern hemisphere of Jupiter at 20:30 pm. Further observations by the Keck Telescope and the IRTF (infra red telescope facility) NASA, both are located on top of Mount Manua Kea in Hawaii Islands (United States), ensure the existence of black spots were reported Wesley. The patches contain signs similar to patches of products collision of comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 exactly 15 years earlier. So that obviously came from the collision events.
Further observation and analysis showed Wesley collision caused by a piece of an asteroid, visible from the trail is rich in silicates, silica and hydrocarbons left in spotting and lack of carbon monoxide. The asteroid measuring 500 meters with a mass of 65 million tons. He falls pounding the far side of Jupiter, the Jupiter hemisphere which is experiencing night. The incident took place in the period between 16:00 and 18:00 pm. Wesley became the first lucky figure witnessed the collision trail. Collisions releasing tremendous energy, ie 28,000 megatons of TNT or nearly identical to the 1815 Tambora eruption energy collisions create black spots covering an area of 190 million square kilometers, or about the size of the Pacific Ocean on Earth. The heated area of up to 3 ° to 4 ° Celsius above normal temperature. Wesley collision overturning once been supposed entrenched, where opportunities to detect Jupiter-based collision events in small to medium telescope (which is widely used among amateur astronomers) is considered impossible.
Wesley, too, who first detected the existence of a fourth collision events. That is when he recorded a brief flicker of light near the western edge of the disc of Jupiter on June 4, 2010 at 3:31 pm TU. Wesley uses the apparatus (instruments) are exactly the same as when it detects a collision event a year earlier. However, unlike the event of collision Wesley, this time a brief flicker of light was not followed by the emergence of the phenomenon of black spot or the like. Mujurnya not only Wesley are recording these events. A Christopher Go, an amateur astronomer from Cebu (Philippines), was observed Jupiter at the same time. Go armed with a 28 centimeter telescope is equipped with a camera. The tapes also showed a brief flicker of light, at exactly the same time with the recording Wesley.
Armed with two different video recordings, then the incidence of collisions in Jupiter can be ensured. The brief flicker of light is the brightest meteors (fireball) in Jupiter. Initially he was meteoroids are derived from pieces of asteroids or comets die. Meteoroidnya diameter is 18.2 meters (if the comet dead), or the equivalent of meteoroids cause events Chelyabinsk, 2013. With a mass of 790 tons, these meteoroids 340 kilotons of TNT releases energy when entering Jupiter's atmosphere as a meteor-light. Success Wesley and Go shows that people now have the opportunity to detect the collision of celestial bodies in Jupiter meteoroidnya although relatively small.
fifth collision events also occurred in 2010 TU, on August 21, 2010 at 1:21 pm TU. This time it was a Japanese amateur astronomers to the stage. Masayuki Takichawa originally from Kumamoto who reported the detection of light flicker briefly, the position almost in the center of the disc of Jupiter, when recording the planet, armed with objective lens refractor telescope 15 centimeters and connected cameras. Hours later, the confirmation came from two different amateur astronomers, from Kazuo Aoki of Tokyo and Masayuki Ichimaru of Toyama. Aoki and Ichimaru each use refractor telescope objective lens diameter of 23.5 centimeters and 12.5 centimeters (!). Confirmation came from Takanori Wakamatsu fourth of Arita. With abundant footage, is now understood that the incident was caused by a meteoroid collisions are derived from pieces of asteroids or comets die. Its diameter of 16.7 meters (if the comet dead) with a mass of 608 tons. When signed into Jupiter's atmosphere as a meteor-light, it releases energy up to 260 kilotons of TNT, or 13 times more powerful than the Hiroshima nuclear bomb explosion.
And the last event, the sixth collision events, occurred in 2012 TU. Precisely on September 10, 2012 at 18:35 pm. This time amateur astronomers who gets the role of the United States. And in contrast to the five previous events, this sixth event to be the moment the observed collision in Jupiter directly (through the eye) without videotape. Is Dan Peterson of Racine small town (State of Wisconsin) who had the opportunity to watch through a mirrored reflector telescope objective 25 centimeters. Brief flicker of light that lasts two seconds and occurs at the eastern edge of the disc of Jupiter. The flicker has apparent magnitude of about +6, almost equivalent apparent magnitude Europa (one of Jupiter's natural satellites) that stood by. Hours later, video footage uploaded a George Hall of the city of Dallas (State of Texas). With this record then the event can be analyzed further. The sixth event of collisions caused by meteoroids diameter of 19.3 meters (if the comet dead) with a mass of 940 tons that enter the atmosphere of Jupiter. It releases the energy up to 405 kilotons of TNT, or 20 times more powerful than the Hiroshima nuclear bomb explosion.
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Lacing Between Comets and Asteroids
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