Free Download Smadav V.10.6 Pro Terbaru 2016 Gratis
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Smadav V.10.6 Pro
Free Download Smadav V.10.6 Pro Terbaru 2016 Gratis - Good night my friend everything, tonight admin of the blog Google will share a Master Jember information about antivirus applications that is also owned by many users of laptop / computer that serves to clear the virus on the laptops, computers, and flash. but SmadAV V.10.6 that I am posting this is the latest version that can quickly clean the virus that landed inside the laptop / computer to the flash than previous versions, and also with the Anti-Ransomware as prevention / cleanup of hostage-virus data.
SmadAV Pro has many additional features that do not exist in SmadAV Free, the following are additional features that you would get at SmadAV Pro: Automatic Update Online, Scanning Faster, Exception List, Maximize / Resize, Can Change Color Theme, Admin Password and Permits Each Use of Profit. You must be a member to get SmadAV Pro. Note: SmadAV Free & Pro also has the same detection capabilities. The difference is only in the auto-update feature and other additional features.
For users SmadAV Free, you'll need to download the latest revision in 2016 Smadav file and then open the Smadav program on your computer and do not need an internet connection again, there will be a confirmation that SmadAV will be updated. SmadAV Free version does not have the automatic update feature, to get automatic updates via the Internet you must use SmadAV Pro version. If using SmadAV Pro, you no longer need to think because SmadAV SmadAV update on your computer will be automatically updated if it is connected to the internet. SmadAV will continue to be revised in a period usually once a month. You can get news and updates directly to Facebook by registering in advance on the facebook page SmadAV.
so if my friend interested in this application can directly download and install on your PC or laptop to the laptop and pc you are protected from viruses or malware that want to destroy the system and work on laptpop on your computer, do not forget to try ya buddy. This for the safety and comfort of the user or the user as if no application is then most likely a laptop or pc friend all in order to have a virus or malware via flashdish that plugs into your laptop or your computer and if if no application is then automatically smadav will detect if No Vitus who want to enter into a laptop or computer.
- Function SmadAV Pro :
- Most antivirus can not be installed with other antivirus, it is because the antivirus is designed for primary protection on your computer. Unlike the SmadAV, SmadAV is the type of antivirus been designed as an additional protection, so that 100% compatible and can work well although there has been another antivirus on your computer, in this case SmadAV serves as a second layer of defense. SmadAV has its own way (behavior, heuristic, and whitelisting) in detecting and cleaning viruses that will further enhance security on the computer. Because resource usage SmadAV very small, SmadAV will not add weight to your computer's performance in its use. So, with a mix between SmadAV and antivirus protection that is installed on your computer will strengthen the defense of your computer from virus infection.
- USB flash drive is one of the largest media spread of the virus in Indonesia. SmadAV have special technology for the prevention of total virus that spreads via USB stick. SmadAV mission is 100% there is no longer a viral infection of the flash. SmadAV have enough signatures viruses that infect the flash, and has a special ability to detect new viruses in the flash although not in the database SmadAV. Not only is prevention, SmadAV also able to clean a virus that infects and restore files that are hidden viruses in the USB stick.
- SmadAV only use the resources (resource) a very small computer. Most active user when SmadAV require only memory (under 5 MB) and CPU usage is very small (under 1%). With the use of very small like this, SmadAV will not affect or slow down your work more. And you also still be able to install other antivirus that can be coupled with SmadAV to protect your computer.
- Smadav can clean your computer from viruses either automatically or manually using the tools provided Smadav. SmadAV also can fix the registry has been tampered / modified by a virus. Some of the tools that can be used on SmadAV to manually clean the virus, namely:
+ One-Virus By-User, to add a file virus and clean it manually Process Manager, to manage the processes and programs running on the PC.
+ System editor, to correct system settings are modified viruses.
+ Win-Force, to open the system management program in Windows.
+ Smad-Lock, to strengthen the defenses of computer drives from virus infection.
Screenshot :
Features :
- Automatic update fixes SmadAV Pro "Installation Not Found" and refinement for use in Windows 10.
- The addition of 768 new virus database, Scan flash is faster than the previous version, and Anti-Ransomware as prevention / cleanup of virus perpetrator of data (Locky, Teslacrypt, etc).
- Update virus detection shortcut on USB.
- Extra feature automatically restore hidden files in the flash, and fixes some errors vital program.
- Improving protection as well as USB and browser blacklists method SmadAV Pro unoriginal etc.
- Cleaning viruses that create a folder without a name on your flash.
- Support security features while browsing the Internet, Facebook Share Cleaning virus, VBS-Houdini, BundpilAutoit, etc.
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2. Free Download Smadav V.10.6 Pro Terbaru 2016 [ Server 2 ]
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Penting..!!! Sebelum Melakukan Proses Download, Sebaiknya Anti Virus apapun di Komputer sobat harap di nonaktifkan Terlebih dahulu ya. Agar Patch Full Versionnya Dapat di Unduh juga. Makasih ^_^

Free Download Smadav V.10.6 Pro Terbaru 2016 Gratis
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