Free Download Defense Of Greece APK for Android Terbaru 2016
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Free Download Defense Of Greece APK for Android Terbaru 2016 - Selamat malam semuanya, apa yang kalian lakukan di jam seperti ini, kalau kalian ada yang menyendiri, nih saya punya obatnya, kalian harus baca nih blog saya, karena saya akan memostingkan game keren nih sekarang, sekarang kan musimnya game perang ya, nah ini dia saya punya game terbaru yang berjudul Defense Of Greece , Bagi yang ingin segera memiliki game ini, silahkan di download ya, karena game ini keren sekali dan juga sangat menantang, sayang kan kalok tidak memiliki game keren ini, pasti ketinggalan zaman dah, percaya dah, makanya saya sarankan untuk secepatnya miliki game terbaru ini, anda tinggal meng klik link download yang telah kami sediakan sebelumnya, tunggu sebentar dan tidak perlu waktu lama untuk memiliki game ini, baikalah berikut ulasannya.
Screenshot :
What's New in Defense Of Greece v1.3.4.1 (Version History)
- New features:
- Added French Language
- New mode levels "Defense of the castle"
- New mode levels "Accompanying the convoy"
- New units
- New Levels
- Surprising storyline!
- More 60 levels on 4 islands, several levels of difficulty
- Ancient Greek setting in conjunction with the steam powered machines and robots
- 14 enemy types (including infantry, mechanized, air, sea)
- 4 types of combat towers with upgrade possibilities
- 5 types of mechanisms that will affect the performance of your combat towers and can be upgraded
- Exciting quests
- Ability to intervene in the battle using grenades, Tribolo, and lightning
- English, German, French and Russian languages
- Surprising storyline!
- More 60 levels on 4 islands, several levels of difficulty
- Ancient Greek setting in conjunction with the steam powered machines and robots
- 14 enemy types (including infantry, mechanized, air, sea)
- 4 types of combat towers with upgrade possibilities
- 5 types of mechanisms that will affect the performance of your combat towers and can be upgraded
- Exciting quests
- Ability to intervene in the battle using grenades, Tribolo, and lightning
- English, German, French and Russian languages
New features:
- Added French
- New mode levels "Defense of the castle"
- New mode levels "Accompanying the convoy"
- New units
- New Levels
- New skills - firerain, firebomd, icebomb
- Now you can improve a skills
- Add new graphics animations (death animation and effects)
- Level design
New features:
- Added French
- New mode levels "Defense of the castle"
- New mode levels "Accompanying the convoy"
- New units
- New Levels
- New skills - firerain, firebomd, icebomb
- Now you can improve a skills
- Add new graphics animations (death animation and effects)
- Level design
Link Download
Penting..!!! Sebelum Melakukan Proses Download, Sebaiknya Anti Virus apapun di Komputer sobat harap di nonaktifkan Terlebih dahulu ya. Agar Patch Full Versionnya Dapat di Unduh juga. Makasih ^_^

Free Download Defense Of Greece APK for Android Terbaru 2016
Alternative Link..!! [Click Here]
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