Short Story of Love - Last Promise

Short Story of Love - Last Promise

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Howdy all, here I will share a brief story about love Promise Recently I've ever experienced while first. Both survived read yeach ...

Short Story of Love - Last Promise

This morning he came to see me, sit beside me and smiled at me. I really helpless read the look, a look that is so warm, full of hope and always made me forgive her. I realized that I loved him so much, I do not want to lose him, although he is often hurt me and made me cry. Not only that, I will lose my best friend, I do not care what people are saying about me. I will still forgive Elga, although he often betrayed my love.

"I do not know what else to say, for the umpteenth time, you're cheating! You've ngancurin trust me! "

I could not look at her eyes again, the tears fell so heavy rained down my face. I am helpless, so limp and he hugged me.

"Nilam forgive me, forgive me! I promise I will not nyakitin you again. I promise Nilam. I love you! Please, you do not cry anymore! "

I can not say anything else but forgive him, I do not want to lose Elga, I loved him.

Elga picked me up tonight, we will be dating and dinner. I purposely wore a blue dress and dress Elga Award as beautiful as possible. ELGA met in the living room, he smiled, looked at me from top to bottom.

"Nilam, you're very beautiful tonight."

"Thank you. We finished dinner, right? "

"Yes of course, but Nilam, tonight I do not have a car and the car you are still in the garage, you do not mind us riding Taxi?"

"Engga ko, yes've we call Taxi wrote, let's go."

Eagerly I was on the arm of Elga. It was really fun, along the journey Elga clutched my hand, I lean shoulders Elga enjoyed our trip and forget about all the errors that have Elga done to me.

We stopped disebuah tents on the roadside. I was a little hesitant, what Elga really took me out to a place like this. I know very well the nature of Elga, he might not want to eat at a small roadside stalls.

"Why El? Mienya not good? "

"Nah ko, tasty noodles, hot Cuma wrote. You do not eat anything right place Nilam gini rich? "

"Nah. I often ate ko kaya gini place. The chicken noodle tasty loch. You chew slowly and enjoy it felt deeply. "

I'm sure, Elga not ever eat rich gini place. But it seems Elga start enjoying his food, he talked at length about his friends, his family and a lot of things.
Two years with ELGA is not a short time, and is not easy to maintain our relationship over the years. Elga often betray me, not once or twice Elga affair, but he kept coming back to me. And I always forgive, that makes me lose my friends. They were right, I was stupid woman who would be mocked by Elga. Even though they now stay away, I still consider them my friend.

Finished eating Elga seems confused, he's looking for something out of his pocket.

"What a purse left in the taxi?"

"Are you sure there is not in my pocket?"

"Not available. How then? "

"Yes already, use the money I wrote. Each path is always you who buy me, now my turn to treat you. Ok! "

"Ok. Thanks yes dear, forgive me. "

While in college, I met with Alin and Flora. I missed two friends, almost four months we were together, until now they are still my best friend. When passed, Alin pull my hand.

"Nilam, you sick? Ko pucet sich? "

Alin talk to me, this is like a dream, Alin still care about me.

"Engga, Just tired ko Lin wrote. How are you guys? "

"Obviously tired lah, have a boyfriend diselingkuhin continues! Anyway want aja sich dimainin Elga rich playboy with a guy! Lest ELGA do not love you? Oops, let slip. "

"Stop Flo! Kasian Nilam! You sich Flo discuss why it mulu? Nilam right not wrong. "
"Let dech Alin, you diem aja! Should you ngaca Nilam! Why do you diselingkuhin continue! "

Flora's right, lest ELGA do not love me, Elga not love with me, it is for Elga always betrayed me. During this time I do not even think that way, maybe because I'm too much in love and fear of losing Elga Elga. All night I thought about it, I doubt the feelings Elga me. If true Elga does not love me, I really can not forgive him again.

Although there is no class schedules, I still go to school to work on group assignments. After a late night and the campus was nearly deserted I went home. Upon reaching the parking lot, I saw Elga with a woman. I could not see the woman's face as she turned to me. Maybe Elga menghianatiku again. This time I could not forgive him. They got into the car, I could see wanitaitu, very clearly, he was my friend, Flora ....

Really, I really can not forgive Elga. Would I be sure what will Elga honest with me or he would lie to me, I take my cell phone and call Elga.

"Hallo, you can pick me now El?"

"Sorry Nilam, I can not reply right now. I again nganter sister, you do not take the car huh? "

"Really your sister going where El?"

"How to ..., it's going shopping. Where are you now?"

"El! Since when do you want your sister nganter shopping? Since Flora so your sister? Hah?!!"

"Nilam, you say what a pity? You say now again where? "

"I see for yourself you go at Flora El! You need not bohongin me! This time I can not forgive you El! Why do you have to cheat at Flora El? I hate you! From now on I do not want to see you again! We Disconnect El! "

"Nilam is not ......."

I threw my cell phone, my car with a top speed kulaju, the tears continue to fall, my heart is very painful, I must accept the fact that the ELGA does not love me, she had an affair with my best friend.

A few days after the incident I did not go to college, I could just lock myself in my room and cry. Lucky mother and father understand my feelings, they encourage me and support me to forget Elga, even though I know it is not easy. Elga every day to come home and apologized, even Elga had all night to be at the gate of my house, but I did not see him. I promise I will not forgive Elga, and promise Takan kuingkari, unlike Elga promises that will not menghianatiku which he has always denied.

Today I decided to go to college, I hope not to meet with Elga. But after class, suddenly Elga there before me.

"Nilam forgive me! I'm as Flora there is not anything to do. I Just nanyain about you to him Nilam!

"We've dropped out El! Do not disturb me again! Now you are free! You want to have a boyfriend Seven also does not concern me! "

"But Nilam ... .."

I ran from the Elga, even though I love him, I have to get over it. Elga kept after me and say sorry. But I do not mind him, the faster I ran and crossed the highway. When he came across the street, the sound of the collision, and ............

"Elgaaaa ... .."

Elga hit by a car while chasing, he bounced so far. Red roses he was carrying scattered red mixed with blood coming out of the head of Elga.

"Elga, forgive me!"

"Nilam. Ma-af ma-af a-ku jan-ji jan-ji ga sa-ki-tin ka-mu la-gi a-ku cin-ta ka-mu a-ku ma-u ni-kah sa-ma kam ... ... "

"Elgaaaaaa ......"

Elga died on the spot, this is all my fault, if I'm willing to forgive this Takan Elga all happen. Now I have to accept this reality, the reality is very bitter that I did not want, that I could not forget. Elga dipelukanku last breath, the last when he promised Takan hurt me again, when he said that love and want to marry me. He said it all when dying when the pain of the crunch, when blood flow is so heavy wet asphalt streets.
It seemed anxious to accompany Elga in the ground there, with him in the darkness, the silence, the cold, I could not stop crying, regretting my actions, I can not forgive myself.

One week after Elga died, I still cry, thinking of all the wonderful memories together Elga that will never happen again. Elga smile, gaze Elga, Takan never be forgotten.

"Nilam dear, no deposit from the mother Elga. You do not daydream continues dong! You must wake up! Elga Let rest in there. I bet you can! "

"It was my fault Bu. I need time."

I opened the parcel from Ms. Elga, in which there is a small box red, red roses have wilted and red envelopes. In the red box that contained a pair of rings. I cried back and opened the envelope.

    Dear Nilam,
    Nilam dear, forgive me, I promise I will not nyakitin you, I love you very much, all of which already I lakuin was created ngeyakinin Only if you're the best for me, Only you that I love.
    I hope, you would accompany me until I closed my eyes, until I breathe my last. And this ring will be our wedding rings.
    I love you so much, I do not want to part with Nilam.
    Love You

My tears flow ever more freely from every angle, wear ring & Elga, I ran over and hugged her mother.

"Mom, I'm already married at Elga!"

"Patchouli, why dear?"

"This" ring Kutunjukan Elga Award dijari my sweet.

"Nilam, you take a kid. You must be strong!"

"Now I want a divorce at Elga Mom!" I took off the ring and handed it to Elga giving mother.

"I entrusted my wedding ring with Elga Bu! Mothers should take good care! "
Mother memeluku closely and we cried together.

Thanks've read, Welcome back

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Short Story of Love - Last Promise

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